Nightly builds of Clara, Soot, JastAdd, Jasmin…

Eric | July 18, 2011

Thanks to my colleagues Marcel and Johannes I have now been able to set up nightly builds for Clara, Soot, JastAdd and the Soot version of Jasmin on our server in Darmstadt. Please help yourself!

Nightly builds of TamiFlex will follow.

If you want to build Clara yourself, please proceed as follows. Type:

svn co clara-with-deps

This will checkout clara and all dependencies into clara-with-deps. To build Clara, open the directory build and then execute the ant script there. That should be all.

P.S. Note that we are not longer building Polyglot from scratch, as the polyglot-based frontend to Soot is deprecated now. It has been replaced by a frontend based on JastAdd.